1 默认分词器 按词拆分 小写处理
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
2 按非字母拆分 小写处理 非字母被过滤
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
3 simple分词器基础上 停用词被过滤(the a is)
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
4 空格切分 不转小写
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
5 不分词 直接将输入当做输出
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
6 正则表达式 默认W+(非字符符号分割)
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
7 30多种常见语言的分词器
get _analyze
"text":"2 running Quick brown-foxes leap over lazy dogs in the summer evening."
8 icu中文分词器(需安装插件)
get _analyze
9 ik分词器 粗粒度分词(需安装插件)
get _analyze
10 ik分词器 细粒度分词(需安装插件)
get _analyze