练习来自[美]萨特吉·萨尼(Sartaj Sahni)写的c++语言描述——数据结构、算法与应用中第一章c++回顾知识
using namespace std;
enum signType{
class illegal_Parameter_Value
illegal_Parameter_Value() :message("Illegal parameter value") {
illegal_Parameter_Value(const char* theMessage) {
message = theMessage; }
//复制构造函数,如同调用构造函数的初始化的“”内容为const char*类型,故声明为该形式,const不可少
void outputMessage() {
cout << message << endl; }
string message;
class currency
currency(bool the_Sign = 0, unsigned long the_Dollars = 0, unsigned int the_Cents = 0);
~currency() {
void setValue(bool, unsigned long, unsigned int);
void setValue(double);
bool getSign()const {
return sign; }
unsigned int getdollar()const {
return dollars; }
unsigned long getcent()const {
return cents; }
//const关键字指明 上方成员函数不会改变调用对象的值,故又称常量函数
currency add(const currency&)const;
currency&increment(const currency&);
void output()const;
void input();//从标准流中读取currency的值,然后赋给调用对象
currency subtract(const currency&x)const;//从调用对象中减去参数对象x的值,返回结果(已实现)
currency percent(const double&x)const;//返回一个currency类的对象,它的值是调用对象的x%。x为double型
currency multiply(const double&x)const;//返回一个currency类的对象,它的值是调用对象和x的乘积。x为double型
currency divide(const double&x)const;//返回一个currency类的对象,它的值是调用对象除以x的结果。x为double型
bool sign;
unsigned long dollars;
unsigned int cents;
/* class new_currency {//新的类把小数点前后的值合起来用double存储了 public: new_currency(bool the_sign = 0, unsigned long the_dollars = 0, unsigned int the_cents = 0); ~new_currency() {} void set_value(bool, unsigned long, unsigned int); void set_value(double); bool getsign()const { if (amount < 0)return 1; else return 0; } unsigned long get_dollars()const { if (amount < 0)return (-amount) / 100; else return amount / 100; } unsigned int get_cents()const { if (amount < 0)return (-amount) - get_dollars(); else return amount - get_dollars(); } new_currency add(const new_currency&x)const; new_currency &increment(const new_currency&x) { amount += x.amount; return *this; } new_currency operator +(const new_currency&)const; new_currency& operator+=(const new_currency&x) { amount += x.amount; return *this; } void output(ostream&out)const;//调用全局范围的函数ostream&operator<<(ostream&out,const new_currency&)即可使用<< friend ostream&operator<<(ostream&output,const new_currency&x); private: double amount; }; //一个新的currency类,把dollar和cent用amount一个数存储,并且amount为整数 */
currency::currency(bool the_Sign, unsigned long the_Dollars, unsigned int the_Cents)
setValue(the_Sign, the_Dollars, the_Cents);
void currency::setValue(bool the_Sign, unsigned long the_Dollars, unsigned int the_Cents)
if (the_Cents > 99)throw illegal_Parameter_Value("cents should be<100");//当输入过大时抛出非法信息
sign = the_Sign;
dollars = the_Dollars;
cents = the_Cents;
void currency::setValue(double the_Amount)
if (the_Amount < 0)//判断输入数的正负,并提取前边符号
sign = 1;
the_Amount = -the_Amount;
else sign = 0;
dollars = (unsigned long)the_Amount;//强制转换为无符号,去除符号问题,其中unsigned long加不加int都一样
cents = (unsigned int)((the_Amount + 0.001 - dollars) * 100);//0.01弥补计算机存储数据总会偏小的误差,强制转换数据类型
}//long占四字节,int在16位系统中占2字节,在32位系统中占4字节,故一般情况是一样的,包括unsigned int和unsigned long
currency currency::add(const currency& x)const
double a1, a2, a3;
currency result;//返回一个新声明的变量就不会改变输入参量的值了
a1 = dollars * 100 + cents;
if (sign == 1)a1 = -a1;//此时a1为带符号的double型
a2 = x.dollars * 100 + x.cents;
if (x.sign == 1) a2 = -a2;
a3 = a1 + a2;//a3符号由运算得来
if (a3 < 0)//分离a3的符号和数值
result.sign = 1;//给result变量符号赋值
a3 = -a3;//a3为数值,不带符号
else result.sign = 0;
result.dollars = a3 / 100;
result.cents = a3 - result.dollars * 100;
return result;//返回result不改变调用的参数值
currency& currency::increment(const currency& x)
*this = add(x);
return *this;//返回到x中,改变参数值
void currency::output()const
if (sign == 1)cout << "-";
cout << "$" << dollars << ".";
if (cents < 10)cout << "0";
cout << cents << endl;
currency currency::subtract(const currency&x)const
currency result;
double y1, y2;
if (sign == 1)
y1 = -(dollars * 100 + cents);
//cout << "y1一开始为负,此时应当为正:" << y1 << endl;
y1 = dollars * 100 + cents;
//cout << "对y1操作之后y1应为一正数:" << y1 << endl;
if (x.sign == 1)
y2 = -(dollars * 100 + cents);
y2 = x.dollars * 100 + x.cents;
//cout << "对y2操作之后y2应为一正数:" << y2 << endl;
double y3 = y1 - y2;
//cout << "y1-y2=" << y3 << endl;
if (y3 < 0)
y3 = -y3;
result.sign = 1;
result.sign = 0;
result.dollars = y3 / 100;
//cout << "result.dollars=";
//cout << result.dollars << endl;
result.cents = y3 - result.dollars * 100;
//cout << "result.cents=" << result.cents << endl;
return result;
/* new_currency::new_currency(bool the_sign, unsigned long the_dollars, unsigned int the_cents) { set_value(the_sign, the_dollars, the_cents); } void new_currency::set_value(bool the_sign, unsigned long the_dollars, unsigned int the_cents) { if (the_cents > 99) throw illegal_Parameter_Value("too much cents,the cents should below 100"); if (the_sign == 1) { double the_numbers = the_dollars * 100 + the_cents; amount = -the_numbers; } else amount = the_dollars * 100 + the_cents; } void new_currency::set_value(double Amount) { if (Amount < 0) amount = (Amount - 0.001) * 100; else amount = (Amount + 0.001) * 100; } new_currency new_currency::add(const new_currency&x)const { new_currency y; y.amount = x.amount + amount; return y; } //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** void new_currency::output(ostream &out)const {//若没有下方输出流的定义,此处的输出流会出error double Amount; //将平时使用的cout换为输入参数即可 if (amount < 0) { out << "-"; Amount = -amount; } else Amount = amount; unsigned long dollars = Amount / 100; out << "$" << dollars << "."; unsigned int cents = Amount - dollars * 100; if (cents < 10) out << "00"; out << cents; } ostream&operator<<(ostream&out, const new_currency&x) {//格式即ostream&operator<<(ostream&,自定义类&) //谭浩强c++教程中p314谈及输入输出流不能定义为成员函数,只能定义为友元函数,此处即非成员函数 x.output(out); //需要先定义一个类的输出函数,并使输出函数有参数,并且还要是ostream的引用作为参数输入 return out; //返回一个对象的引用后续可以对同一个对象进行其他操作,返回对象只是返回一个拷贝副本,无法进行后续操作 //如cout<<a<<b<<endl; //此处cout的<<函数返回的就是引用,连续使用输出流即引用符号的效果 } //此处为全局范围的函数 //******************************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************************** new_currency new_currency::operator+(const new_currency&x)const { new_currency y; y.amount = amount + x.amount; return y; } ostream&operator<<(ostream&output,const new_currency&x) { double the_amount; if (x.amount < 0) { output << "-"; the_amount = -x.amount; } else the_amount = x.amount; unsigned long dollar = the_amount / 100; unsigned int cent = the_amount - dollar * 100; output << "$" << dollar << "."; if (cent < 10) output << "0"; output << cent; return output; } */
int main()
currency g, h(0, 3, 50), i, j;
g.setValue(1, 2, 25);
cout << "g的值为:" << endl;
cout << "g.add(h)的值为:" << endl;
cout << "g.abstract(h)的值为:" << endl;
cout << "h的值为:" << endl;
cout << "g.increment(h)的值为:" << endl;
cout << "h的值为:" << endl;
cout << "g的值为:" << endl;
cout << "h的值为:" << endl;
j = h.add(g);
cout << "+";
cout << "=";
cout << endl;
j = i.add(g).add(h);
j = i.increment(g).add(h);
cout << "Attempting to initialize with cents = 152" << endl;
try {
i.setValue(0, 3, 152); }
catch (illegal_Parameter_Value e)
cout << "Caught thrown exception" << endl;
/* new_currency a, b(0, 3, 50), c, d; a.set_value(1, 2, 25); c.set_value(-6.25); cout << "a= " << a << endl; cout << "b= " << b << endl; cout << "c= " << c << endl; cout << "d= " << d << endl; d = b + a; cout <<" d=b+a: "<< b << "+" << a << "=" << d << endl<<endl; d = a + b + c; cout <<"d=a+b+c: "<< a << "+" << b << "+" << c << "=" << d << endl; cout << "increment of new_currency: " << c << "by: " << a << endl << "and then add:" << b << endl; d = (c += a) + b; cout << "the result is : " << d << endl; cout << "incremented object is: " << c << endl; //error testing cout << "attempting to initialize with cents=152" << endl; try { c.set_value(0, 3, 152); } catch (illegal_Parameter_Value e) { cout << "caught thrown exception" << endl; e.outputMessage(); }*/
return 0;