
(530) 2024-04-09 21:01:01


  Michael Scofield




  迈克·斯科菲尔德的教育背景会让人奇怪为什么他要犯下那样的罪行。在Mortan高中完美表 现,他以优异的成绩毕业于芝加哥的Loyola大学,取得了土木学士和土木硕士的学位。斯科菲尔德被捕前,他受雇于芝加哥Middleton Maxwell Schaum一家很有名气的公司,是一名结构工程师。他企图抢劫国立储蓄银行芝加哥市区分行时被抓捕,金额超过50万美元。审讯时,Scofield没有 辩护,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。

  附加注释:该犯目前患有I型糖尿病(吃了某些药物促使血糖暂时升高),他的访客有他的律师,Veronica Donovan,他也有每月一次的行房探监的机会,对象是他的妻子Nika Volek。他属C级犯人可以参加监狱生产劳动。

  再附加注释:Michael Scofield其实没有糖尿病,他在第一季中的糖尿病是因为服用了从C-Note那里搞来的一种叫 PUG-NAC 的一种可以改变血糖的药物。他改变血糖是为了让自己进入离围墙最近的医务室,来完成越狱计划,其中阴差阳错地和 Sara Tancredi相爱,后来就出现了……

  Lincoln Burrows 编号:79238




Lincoln Burrows




  林肯·布鲁斯15岁开始就命途多舛,在摩根公园中学混了10年后不得不中途辍学,随后成了警局的常客。前科包括偷窃入狱2个月,破坏私人财产入狱3个月,斗殴入狱6个月,携带毒品入狱6个月,斗殴入狱10个月。这样看来他谋杀总统Carolyn Reynolds的弟弟华盛顿议 员Terrence Steadman一事就顺理成章了。虽然他以“无罪”上诉,但被陪审团否决并判以电刑。为此在Fox River 监狱等待。虽然有利的证据越来越多,但定于5月12日的对林肯的处决却没有因为新证据的疑点而改变。尽管判决未改,但行刑日期被重新定为5月26日。在那 天来临之前,林肯和他弟弟迈克·斯科菲尔德成功越狱,从此亡命天涯。通缉犯的身份让他俩举步维艰,布鲁斯还一度被国家边检队抓获,尽管随后也成功再次逃脱。由于前美国特工Paul Kellerman出面作证,6月16日,林肯·布鲁斯对Steadman谋杀一案的所有指控都被取消。第三季中,他身处巴拿马城,全力营救弟弟斯科菲尔德,最后2人成功逃脱,第四季他又会面临怎样的惊险旅程呢?

  附加注释:他的访客包括他弟弟Michael Scofield,他的律师Tim Giles,他儿子LJ Burrows儿子的母亲Lisa Rix和 Sue Parsons,一个来自报社头条专栏的记者。他属于C 等犯人可以参加监狱的生产劳动。监狱里的人都管他叫“Linc the Sink”(意思就是说他快要死了)。

  Theodore Bagwell


Theodore Bagwell








  Theodore Bagwell (t-bag) 的一生基本没有自由可言。他有暴力和虐待动物的倾向,10岁的时候在想要放火烧掉自己四年级老师房子的时候被捕,被送到少年看守所。就是在那 Bagwell第一次接触到了“纯净联盟”,一个白人至上的组织。Bagwell长大的过程中,他所犯的罪也越来越严重。从斗殴,致命武器伤人,意图谋杀 到最后的绑架,强奸和谋杀。由于他犯有多项重罪,亚拉巴马州州 政府把Bagwell送往Donaldson看守最为森严的监狱,可在那他却进入了“纯净联盟”的领导层。事实上,在Bagwell的领导下,这个联盟变 得十分强大,以至于Donaldson的狱长被迫驱散这个组织,把它的成员送往全国各地。 Bagwell刚来到Fox River的时候,“联盟”几乎已经不复存在了。但两年后,神奇的“T-Bag”又使它变成了监狱里最为强大的组织之一。 t-bag在Fox River的日子虽不长,但在这期间他也"贡献"不少:煽动监狱暴乱和杀害狱警等。机缘巧合之下撞破了micheal scofield的越狱计划,并要挟众人要告密,于是顺理成章加入到越狱计划之中,最后越狱成功。在狱中,Bellick在众人面前揭开T-bag的身世 之谜,原来他是他的父亲强奸他的弱智姐姐后所生的,由此,他十分痛恨Bellick。

  越狱成功之后,t-bag又故技重施。第一位受害人是兽医marvin gudat,t-bag强迫marvin为其做一个临时的手部接驳手术,术后将其杀害。第二位受害人是让t-bag搭顺风车的好心人jerry curtain。他把t-bag从内布拉斯加载到犹他州。但到达目的后,t-bag恩将仇报,对jerry的女儿上下其手,jerry为保护女儿,惨遭毒打。t-bag到达犹他州后,在档案馆管理员的桌面上 盗走地图,并碰上也来寻找地图michaell和lincoln。利益关系使他们重新组队,并一起到jeanette owen的房子里找westmorland埋藏的巨额现金。最后他施用奸计,把所有的钱都卷走了。后被fox river前狱警brad belick和roy geary活捉并严刑逼供,最终供出westmorland的钱的情报。随后又在greay的手上夺回,将其杀害并把罪名嫁祸给belick。t-bag 随即逃到巴拿马,但最后还是再次入狱。现在被关押于sona监狱,等待谋杀巴拿马女支 女罪的审判。附加注释:此犯人和纯净联盟组织有联系。此外,有记录他和Jason Buchanan (也叫Maytag) ,Seth Hoffner (也叫 Cherry).也有联系。自从他被调到Fox River来以后就没有访客。C等犯人可以参加监狱生产劳动。

  附加注释:T-Bag的身世在第一季中有说,十分复杂,爸爸强奸了他神经不正常的姐姐,然后T-Bag 出生……真是可怜……这样的身世也让T-Bag变得有暴力宣泄的倾向了……

  Fernando Sucre









  菲尔南多·苏克雷出生在芝加哥,在街头长大。苏克雷遵纪守法直到他用一支没有子弹的枪抢了一个 酒铺。他这么做是因为要攒足够的钱给他相处3年的女友Maricruz买订婚戒指。苏克雷被送到Fox River监狱,成了那里的模范犯人。他唯一努力的就是争取每次的减刑机会,这也是为了Maricruz。命运使斯科菲尔德和苏克雷成了狱友,也让苏克雷 成了斯科菲尔德越狱计划的一分子。

  逃出Fox River监狱后,苏克雷知道了Maricruz要和Hector在拉斯维加斯结婚。他试图去阻止婚礼。但是早在苏克雷到达教堂之前,Hector已经通知了内华达警方苏克雷很有可能会来。苏克雷的行踪一直被监视着。

  苏克雷也卷入了在Jeanette Owens居住地事件。据FBI探员称,苏克雷最后一次被发现是在他乘飞机飞离国境时。也有目击者声称在墨西哥看到过他。他现在仍未被捕。 附加注释:

  他的女朋友Maricruz Delgado 会来探监.他可以有一月一次的行房探监的机会。他属于C等犯人,可以参加监狱的生产活动。

  Sara Tancredi




  在麻醉药品滥用者互助协会团体治疗的无数次的帮助下,Sara终于能够戒掉毒隐。此时的她已不 想仅仅成为一名普通的医生,她决定走一条人道主义的道路。作为监狱里少有的几名医生之一,Sara的职责覆盖了所有事情从身体检查到到紧急的手术。虽然 Sara对她所处的险境义无反顾,她却要不断面对来自于她父亲,伊利诺斯州长Frank Tancredi的压力。他们在政治信仰的观点极为不同,以致两人的关系近年来疏远了很多。

  演员:SARAH WAYNE CALLIES《越狱》中饰演Sara Tancredi医生。

  Alexander Mahone





  目的:逮捕所有越狱的逃犯,对Michael Scofield的智商有极大的兴趣。

  人物介绍:外形冷竣,不苟言笑,头脑灵活,反应敏捷,像猎犬一样嗅觉灵敏,锲而不 舍.Mahone这个人物应该不只是笔者喜欢,相信许多《越狱》迷也都被其冷酷的外表,灵活的头脑所征服。他被迫接受追捕Scofield兄弟俩人,并且 追捕的过程中对Scofield产生了极大的兴趣,如此高智能的犯罪,还是Mahone头一次遇到,大有一种挑战无极限的感觉。

  注释:Mahone 从前追捕过一个叫Oscar Shales的罪犯,被他多次逃脱。然而有一次他追到了Oscar,然后就觉得这家伙太混蛋,就私下处理了,尸体藏在自家院子里。之后他的心情就反复无 常,需要每回都吃镇静剂,否则会情绪失控。他每次都是从钢笔状的管子里倒一颗出来吞进嘴里。还有一个片段是他从XX混混那里非法买镇静剂,不想留下记录。

  John Abruzzi 编号:81004








John Abruzzi

前 任芝加哥暴徒首领John Abruzzi, 是有据可查的当前Fox River监狱中最声名狼藉的罪犯。这种声名在高墙内转变为一种权利。其他犯人,就算是谋杀犯,在涉及监狱内务问题的时候里也得听Abruzzi的。可以 毫不夸张的说,狱警执行法规,而John Abruzzi掌管监狱。

  Abruzzi 最终被定罪为谋杀两人和在数十年后为逃避惩罚意图谋杀伊利诺斯州地方律师。Otto Fibonacci 作为审判 Abruzzi的目击证人,使陪审团相信Abruzzi杀死了两个黑帮对手。因此Abruzzi 后来一直在寻找Fibonacci, 使他被迫加入目击证人保护计划。


  他的访客有Philip Falzone, 一个“生意伙伴”;Anthony Smallhouse, 另一个“生意伙伴”,Sylvia Abruzzi,他的妻子;Nicole Abruzzi,他的女儿;John Abruzzi,Jr.,他的儿子;还有生意经理Brian Knowlton。C等犯人可以参加监狱生产劳动。

  John Abruzzi ——黑帮老大。他是个监狱匪首,因杀人而被手下举告入狱,有钱有势,与上下层社会皆有联系,黑道白道都混得开,纵使在监狱也是无敌老大。不过他也讲原则, 懂道上规矩,对家人亦是细心呵护,良心谴责也会时常困扰他。临终时那句:我只向上帝下跪,但他不在这里。也赢得了部分人的尊重,他的结局多少带些苍凉。 JB有点黑帮教父的味道。



  迈克尔·斯科菲尔德正陷于无望的困境中——他的哥哥林肯·巴罗斯被 认定犯有谋杀罪被投入了FoxRiver监狱的死囚牢。虽然所有的证据都指出林肯就是凶手,迈克尔却坚信兄长是无辜的。林肯的死刑执行日越来越逼近,在没 有其他选择的情况下,迈克尔持枪闯入了一家银行,被捕入狱后来到了林肯的身边。身为建筑工程师的迈克尔参与了监狱的改造工程而对这里了若指掌,他设计了史 上最完美的越狱计划,入狱的唯一目的就是要把林肯救出生天并还其清白。迈克尔在狱中艰难地准备着越狱计划的同时,意想不到的人和事接连出现在通向自由的道 路上。


  2005年8月29日晚,美国FOX电视台播 出了《越狱》第一季的第一集,前13集首轮播放中平均每集吸引了860万观众,据FOX官方网站的统计,全球有超过1800万观众收看了《越狱》;而尼尔 森的收视统计显示,这个数字已经创下了电视淡季7年来最高的周一收视记录。美国《娱乐周刊》曾对2005年9月开始的电视季进行过大盘点,《越狱》以极具 个性魅力的男主角、出色的创意和严密紧凑的故事,当选年度新剧第一名,并获得了第63届金球奖最佳剧情类电视剧与最佳剧情类男主角两项提名。主流媒体纷纷 用革命性的突破来形容此剧,纽约著名剧评人则都称赞“《越狱》是一部好得让你心脏都要停止跳动的美剧”。《越狱》在美国热播风潮很快蔓延到了中国,成为了 在中国最受关注的美剧,这部只能通过互联网观看的美剧超过了很多国内热播的电视剧,成为粉丝的最爱。越来越多的“越迷”在自己的博客和相关网站力挺这部电 视剧,其疯狂程度绝对不亚于当年对1983版《射雕英雄传》。





在 第二季中,8个逃出来的一级重犯成为全国警力追捕的对象并展开新一轮的亡命旅途,在逃亡过程中他们面临着种种情况,于是故事接着发展。而且因为林肯被陷害 与一宗政府阴谋有关,所以从第二季一开始,迈克尔和林肯着重进行调查,希望能揭开阴谋背后的黑暗真相。而成功逃离监狱的5名狱友分别在美国中部逃窜,其中 会有重新被捕的,也会有死于逃窜途中的。


  《越狱》第一季所创造的超高收视率促成FOX电视台推出了第二季。2006年8月21日 晚,FOX共有两部剧集首播,分别是《越狱》第二季的第一集和另一部新剧。尼尔森的统计报告表明,在20时到21时的时段里,《越狱》赢得了937万成年 观众,在当晚也是第一。不过这个成绩要略逊于《越狱》第一季的首播成绩。













  《越狱》第三季开播以后,收视率一路狂跌,据收视统计从1800万下降到了740万。在美国一 周黄金时段收视率排行榜上,更是掉到30多名,莎拉惨死的剧情也一度让该剧的口碑一落千丈。福克斯终于见识了“女人”的厉害。而此时,《越狱》的播出似乎 都成了问题。《越狱3》在播出第4集后,福克斯宣布将停播一个月,随后《越狱3》又将进入冬歇期。

  是什么让曾经不可一世的《越狱》陷入收视低谷?其实,从剧情就不难看出,监狱大逃亡的把戏已经 在第一季中让观众过足了瘾,重复性的演出让观众渐渐失去了信心。最让人难以接受的是剧中唯一一个闪耀着温情光芒的角色莎拉死了,因为扮演者怀孕生子,这个 角色不得不被编剧“置于死地”斩首示众。于是观众怒了,纷纷表示要以罢看“祭奠”莎拉。于是《越狱》的编剧开始思考,这也为第四季的“莎拉复活”提供了充 足的理由。










  其实,《越狱》在第四季宣传落幕是在人们的意料之中的,虽然许多“越粉”仍然表示痛心疾首。 《越狱》第三季糟糕的收视率已经让福克斯十分头痛,第四季首播集的收视率仅为650万人次,不仅比上季首播下滑了近100万人次,和口碑最好的第一季相比 更是“天壤之别”,创造该剧收视新低。



  《最后一越》将讲述众人在《越狱》正剧最后的大结局忽略掉的四年之间发生的事情,由先前公布的两集合并而成,这两集分别名为《球与锁链》(The Old Ball and Chain)和《自由》(Free)。

  迈克尔在同伴的帮助下搞垮了“公司”, 但迈克尔脑中还有一个肿瘤,他和怀胎八月的莎拉结了婚,还来不及度蜜月享受新婚生活,莎拉就因为杀了克里斯蒂娜·斯科菲尔德而被捕关进了Miami-Dade女子监狱,在那里她遇到了格雷琴!

  而“将军”也被关进了Miami-Dade男子监狱,当他得知莎拉的境地时,悬赏十万美元加害于她,迈克尔为了营救莎拉,不得不最后一次铤而走险…… 所以,设定迈克为救妻儿而死的结局,算是收视率不停下跌后一个完美的收场。


  1.What you need to change your situation is just a gun and a friend.



  2.Never give up









  5.All of these will over



  7.You and me,is real



  8.Trust me



  9.I work for myself




  Be the change you want to see in the world.---欲变世界,先变自身。


  I'm getting you out of here.





  No. 1

  Michael: You and me,It's real.


  No. 2

  Michael/Lincoln: Just have a little faith.


  No. 3

  Abruzzi: I kneel only to God. Don't see him here.


  No. 4

  Abruzzi: Take my hand so we can put all this behind us.


  Does not a warm hand feel better than a cold shark?


  No. 5

  Friend of Sucre: You look like hell.

  Sucre: I'm man from hell, puppy. Now, I just gotta go to Vegas.



  No. 6

  Sucre's GF: What do you want from the future?

  Sucre: Would you run if I said you?

  Sucre's GF: Would you chase me if I did?


  Sucre: 如果我说是你,你会逃开吗?


  No. 7

  Veronica: Michael, you are where you are because of your brother.

  Michael: You are telling me he's where he is because of me.

  -Michael, 你能有今天都是因为你哥哥。


  No. 8

  T-bag: You think you are the only one who feels betrayed? I…loved you, Susan. Real love. For the first time in my life... And then…and then what you do to me like that just throw me back into the dark and toss me out of the back door...I have sins in the past. But when I met you, the person, that one who did all the terrible things, he died. And I was reborn. By the grace of your love I was a new man, a better man. When you sent me here to this place with these people, you bring that dirty bastard right home.

  你认为只有你觉得被人背叛了吗?我。。。曾经爱过你,Susan. 我生命中的第一次真爱。而你。。而你所做的,却是把我扫地出门,重新赶回黑暗之中。我过去是有过罪恶,但当我遇见你的那一刻,那个做尽坏事的人就已经死 了,而我则获得了重生。在你爱情的光辉中,我成了一个新的人,一个更好的人。当你把我送进这里,与这些人为伍时,过去那个肮脏的罪人又将复活。


  No. 9

  Sucre: Why do you want to see him so hard anyway?

Michael: Because he's my brother.



  No. 10

  T-bag: How about getting us to somewhere cooler, say, Africa?


  look at the man,when the guy woke up this morning,he was a white


  No. 11

  Sara: I believe in being part of the solution, not the problem.


  No. 12

  Michael: There is a plan to make all of this right.


  No. 13

  All: Utah~~




  No. 14 Haywire

  - What's your problem?

  - I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.

  - What does that mean?

  - It means I don't sleep.

  - 你有什么问题吗?

  - 我有神经管能上的损伤,影响了我的网状活化系统。

  - 那是什么意思?

  - 就是说,我不用睡觉。

  - I just shared a secret with you. Now, it's your turn.

  - Want to know what the tattoos mean?

  - Yeah.

  - Nothing.

  - 我刚刚告诉你我的秘密了。轮到你了。

  - 想知道那些纹身的意思么?

  - 当然!

  - 什么意思也没有。

  - Who are you?


  - 你是谁?

  - Haywire, do I look even vaguely familiar to you?

  - Are you the guy who stole my toothpaste?

  -Haywire, 你对我连一点模糊的印象都没有吗?


  - You got something in your teeth again.


  No. 15 Sucre

  - I'll do anything you need. You see these hands? They're digging machines. You want to go to China? I'll get you to China. I'll dig like a psychotic rodent if I have to.


  - I wasn't trying to escape.

  - Sure you weren't. You were just out there howling at the moon.

  - 我没有试图逃跑。

  - 你当然没有。你只是在外面对着月亮嚎而已。

  - Ever hear of tensile strength? Hooke's Law of Elasticity?

  - What do you think?

  - If we drill holes in strategic locations, we compromise the load-carrying capacity of the wall.

  - How about speaking English?

  - 听说过延展强度吗?胡克定律?



- 你说呢?

  - 如果我们在关键位置钻孔,墙的承重强度就会降低。

  - 你不能用英语讲吗?

  - I've got a question for you, Fish. What if we do all this work, and the pipe is ten feet that way?

  - It won't be.

  - You got X-ray vision?

  - I calculated the drill point coordinates, hid them in my tattoo, and then projected them back onto the wall. Everything's been worked out so the image hits the right spot. It's just math.

  - What if your math is wrong?

  - You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall. There'll be an explosion, and we'll be burned alive.

  - But you're good at math, right?

  - 我有问题问你,雏儿。如果我们在这边钻孔,管道在那边十英尺的地方会怎么样?

  - 不会的。

  - 你有透视眼么?

  - 我算过了钻孔的坐标,隐在了我的纹身里,然后把坐标重新投射回墙上。所有东西都经过精确计算所以图像会卡准那些关键位置。数学罢了。

  - 如果你的数学错了呢?

  - 你会钻裂墙里的煤气管道。会发生爆炸,而我们会被活活烧死。

  - 但你数学很好,是吧?

  - I got a message from your cellie, bro. He says he's okay and he's trying to fill in the blanks.

  - Did he say he's trying, or that he already got the blanks filled in?

  - Yo, man, I don't know. I didn't write it down.

  - Okay. Now you gotta tell him that I filled in the hole.

  - 我从你室友那给你带了条口信,哥们。他说他很好,而且他在试着填补空白。

  - 他说他在试,还是已经填上了?

  - 兄弟,这我就不知道了。我又没抄下来。

  - 好吧。那你去告诉他,我已经填补了洞。

  -You were supposed to turn off the A/C, not turn on the furnace. It's getting so hot in here.

  No. 16 T-bag


  I heard you were moving some real estate.


  Looks like the Bank of Africa wasn't allowing any withdrawals.


  - What're we, the A-Train? Everyone gets to ride with us?

  - 我们算什么,公共汽车么?每个人都可以想坐就坐?

  Well, for health reasons, information like that should be disseminated a little more pronto.



  If you get stuck in one of them pipes, boy...


  No. 17 Abruzzi

  - What the hell are you doing, John?

  - The Lord's work.

  - The Lord wants you to spread horse crap all over your mattress?

  - It's not our place to question His will.

  - 你到底在干嘛,John?

  - 这是上帝的意旨。

  - 上帝要你把床上洒满马粪?

  - 我们没有权力过问他的意旨。

  - Demolition runs in the family.


  - I'm glad you're back.

  - I'm surprised you're still here. I thought you'd be gone by now.

  - Well, we had a few setbacks.

  - Still planning on it?

  - That depends. How does the idea of escaping sit with the new you?

  - Oh, the old sinner who was confined to these walls, he's dead. The new soul deserves to be free.

  - Well, the old sinner was going to have a jet ready for us. Is the new soul going to be able to pull that off?

  - Noah had his ark, did he not?

  - 很高兴你回来了。

  - 很惊奇你还在这。我还以为你们应该走了。

  - 嗯,遇到了些小麻烦。

  - 还在计划么?

  - 得看情况啊。重生的你对这计划还感兴趣吗?

  - 哦,过去高墙之内的那个罪人,他已经死了。新生的灵魂有他应得的自由。

  - 过去的那个罪人为我们准备了一架飞机。新生的灵魂有么?

  - 诺亚有他的方舟,不是么?

  No. 18

  'Cause you got college? Big school learnin', huh? Well, let me school you. Darwin wins inside these walls. Not Einstein, Darwin.


  No. 19

  When I was young, I couldn't sleep at night, 'cause I thought there was a monster in the closet. But my brother told me there wasn't anything in the closet but fear. That fear wasn't real. He said it wasn't made of anything. It was just air. Not even that. He said you just have to face it. You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear. In here, though, you face your fear, you open that door... and there's a hundred more doors behind it. And the monsters that are hiding behind them... are all real. But I think I'd like to face the monsters on my own.

  我小时候晚上无法总睡不着,觉得衣橱里有怪物在窥视我。我哥哥对我说,门后面什么也没有,只有 你的恐惧,那不是真实的。他说那种恐惧只是无中生有想象出来的。他还说你必须要面对它,打开那扇门,怪物就会消失。但是在这里, 你勇敢面对恐惧,你打开那扇门,却看到另一百扇门。而门后隐藏的怪物…都是真实的。不过,我愿意自己来面对这些怪物。

  No. 20

  You know, I'm gonna...I'm gonna get out of here someday. And when I do...don't think I won't remember what your front steps look like, Susan.


  No. 21

  Sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.



  We've got to go.


  No. 22

  Good luck




  You have a son.




  ---Get up! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow your brains out!

  ---Because I can give the one thing , it can set you free.




  Not everyting is as it seems



  You just got to keep the faith



  Don’t let them break you



  Killed 10 individuals, you are a serial murderer; kill thousands of people, you are a God of War



  Lay it Down Slow


  if you got dreams in your heart


  why don't you share them with me?


  and if dreams don't come true


  i'll make sure that you're nightmares are through


  if you got pain in your heart


  why don't you share it with me?


  and we'll just wait and see


  if it's happened what it used to be


  and lay it down slow


  lay it down free


  lay it down easy


  but lay it on me


  if you've got love in your heart


  why don't you keep it with mine?


  i can't promise a miracle


  but i'll always be trying




  高墙警铃、狱中小团体、犯人与犯人间的厮杀、犯人与狱警间的争斗、地图数据、密码暗号、狱中暴 动……这一切的一切都让观众再次重温了第一季的风采。从《越狱》第二季开播后,就又不少观众和评论人士认为它不再精彩了,因为严格地说迈克尔等人只有在第 一季时才是真的在“越狱”,而这正是本剧的核心所在。不知是主创们一时技痒,还是真的觉得有些对不起观众,在本次的特别版中总算给了观众一些回馈。虽然两 集的播出时间无法尽现之前的辉煌,但总归还是能给越狱迷们带来些许安慰。





  责任。作为一名美国军人,当他发现虐囚事件时,勇敢的站出来揭露,结果被迫害(当然在中国,不要学他这一点,否则会死的很难看);当他为了生 计去给别人开偷来的卡车被抓时,为了不让妻子担心和维护在女儿心中的形象,扔谎称在服役,而独自承受坐牢的痛苦;为了和妻女团聚,冒着极大的风险越狱。
  敬业。当监狱开始暴乱的时候,她不顾警卫队长的劝告,执意进去抢救一个中暑的犯人;当生命垂危的JohnAbruzzi被送往直升飞机时,是 她陪在旁边焦急但是很不失冷静的不断呼喊:“John,坚持住,呼吸,坚持住,你会没事的。”在那一刻,我觉得这个恶贯满盈的犯人更象她的亲人,那也是 Sara最美的时候。大家可以去看看,在第1季第13集一开始,那一刻,Sara就象一个天使。


   第一季里,他就已经出马搞定那个男人婆一样的女狱警,弄到了钥匙。第二季在逃亡的路上,T-Bag更是大展手脚。当一帮狱友正掘地三尺挖美金的时候,他借 口手断了不能干活,溜出去和女主人喝咖啡,顺便稳住她。他使出浑身解数哄得女主人笑到花枝乱颤。至于略施小计,从户籍女警那里搞到Susan家的新地址, 正是不在话下了。
   也许他真是把对Susan一家的感情,看成自己在这个孤独世界里唯一的救赎,只是那一封封被退回来的信、一句绝望地:“I Can’t.”断送了人世间最后一线希望。事实上就连那个可恶的狱警Bellick也看出了他的心思,所以才会在Susan家里布下埋伏,让T-Bag再 次忍痛断手。
   如果有这样一个男人,无论你怎样出卖他、逃离他,甚至亲手把他送进监狱,也还是对你念念不忘,甚至冒着再次被出卖的可能回到你身边,只求重修旧好,你会不 会有一丝丝感动?(想想他再次见到Susan时语无伦次的样子:“You must be very very….very………good...........don't be afraid, Teddy's home.”)如果一个杀人不眨眼的恶魔,愿意为了你放下屠刀、立地成佛,从此洗心革面,重新做人,你会不会接受他?
   换成我,应该会说:“Yes,I do。”
   在Fox River这种地方呆过的,必定都具备了过人的才智,否则估计早就被灭了。看看那班逃出来的兄弟,哪个不是过五关、斩六将闯出来的,期间各人斗智斗勇、亦 敌亦友的关系张力十足。就连MS那个精神有点失常的室友也不简单,弄得小帅哥最后万般无奈只能带他一起出逃。
   《越狱》里面,才智第一位,当然是我们的米帅GG。其次,就是那位嗑药的Mahone警官。说实在的,在这场你追我赶的猫鼠游戏中,他才不是被耍得团团转 的无能小猫,而是和MS势均力敌、平分秋色的真正对手。这第三位,我觉得应该就是T-Bag了。前两位,一个是有智商超群的结构学工程师,另一个是训练有 素的政府特工,总之都有深厚的教育背景。相比之下,T-Bag的智慧就完全是从残酷的生存竞争中磨炼出来的。
   第二季在去往犹他的道路上,逃狱出来的兄弟都各显神通,T-Bag因为断了一只手,更处劣势。但他却能够先MS兄弟一步拿到地图,又在众人眼皮底下完成调 包计,将五百万独吞,就连聪明绝顶的MS都被骗过;然后又干掉那个倒霉的狱警,并成功嫁祸给Bellick,再到后来假冒医生的身份,顺利离开美国,既残 忍又机智。
   1、Listen up bros, listen up. Bellick, I got one for ya. Whaddya call a piece of white trash who couldn’t pass the cops exam and now makes less than a mailman? A C.O.
   2、Why don’t you transfer us all some place cooler. Like Africa!
   Not that hot?When this guy woke up this morning, he was white!
   "怎么不把我们送到凉快点的地方去, 比如非洲?"
   "还不热?当这个哥们今天早上起来时, 他还是白的!"

   4、Pardon me for interruptin' (laughs), but, uh, what's that smell? (sniffs) It smells a little like conspiracy.
   对不起, 我打扰大家了.. 可是.. 那是什么味道?.. 闻起来.. 象阴谋的味道.
   当然,没有Robert Knepper便没有T-Bag。他简直化身为这个恶魔,演得活灵活现:前一分钟还是一脸凶残,忽而就收敛起所有暴戾之气,变得含情脉脉。这期间甚至完全不需要任何过渡。
   看到美国杂志对Robert Knepper的访问,标题是《No Cup of Tea》。其中,Robert Knepper这样评价自己的角色:
    个人觉得,有人犯罪,很大程度上并不是个人善恶的问题,其实社会和家庭要承担很大的责任。就像美国弗吉尼亚大学的枪击案,换成中国,赵不 仅自己会被打入18层地狱,他活着的家人一定会受到巨大压力,永远抬不起头。而美国人,就有不少人在反省:到底是什么造成一个年轻人这样仇恨社会?我们难 道没有责任吗?


MICHAEL SCOFIELD is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, LINCOLN BURROWS is on death row and scheduled to die in a few months for an assassination Michael is convinced Lincoln did not commit. With no other options and time winding down, Michael held up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary. Once he's inside, Michael - a structural engineer with the blueprints for the prison - begins to execute an elaborate plan to break out Lincoln and prove him innocent of this sensational murder.

With the help of his cellmate, SUCRE, Michael begins to align himself with a disparate group of prisoners, including former mob boss JOHN ABRUZZI  and CHARLES WESTMORELAND a man some believe to be the infamous skyjacker D.B. Cooper. On the outside Michael has only one ally, his defense attorney and longtime friend, VERONICA DONOVAN - who also happens to be Lincoln's former girlfriend. Meanwhile, Lincoln's 15-year-old son, LJ , is now adrift without his uncle Michael's positive influence in his life.

Rounding out the cast are DR. SARA TANCREDI , whom Michael ends up visiting in the prison infirmary more than he should; senior correctional officer BELLICK, who is determined to keep a close eye on his new prisoner, and the powerful WARDEN POPE, who forges a close, almost father-son relationship with the new convict.

PRISON BREAK combines the hope of "The Shawshank Redemption," the camaraderie of "The Longest Yard" and the tense procedure and spectacle of "The Great Escape." This intriguing new series will reveal additional pieces of the puzzle each week as Michael carries out his daring plan to mastermind the ultimate prison break - and solve the far-reaching national-scale conspiracy that landed his brother there in the first place.


PRISON BREAK在中国非常非常受欢迎,中国的百度网贴吧影视类中,“越狱”一直是最火爆的,每天访问人数、回帖人数都是第一。多数喜欢这部剧的中国人,都是很喜欢它惊险的剧情,觉得MICHAEL SCOFIELD是个聪明睿智、有情有义的男人,当然也有很多人觉得他很帅而很崇拜他;我们觉得这个片子里的一些暴力镜头也没有太多感觉,多数都是视而不见(许多香港的影片中的暴力内容可比这多多了),倒是那些人物中的爱情、友情、亲情我们记在了心里,觉得虽然他们面对强大的不正义势力确能够勇敢反抗、团结合作是件很了不起的事。
Prison break is very popular in China. "PB" has been always the hottest topic in the picture bar of Baidu website in china. The access times to this topic and returns to this topic is always number one. Most of the chinease who like this TV play like the intense gut. They think Michael Scofield is a smart, affectionate man, of couse, some of them think he is handsome and worship him. We think not much about the violence in the play and let them go( many HK films have more violence than this).It is the affection, friendship that we remember. We think it is a great thing that they bravely fight and hold together against the strong unjustice power.




T-bag without John that family background, nor underworld figure of congenital advantage, and many other prisoner was despised the child rape and murder committed in this disadvantage and how he became a two or three years in the league leaders, pure, but absolutely no play from t-bag appearances and Michael approached the scene, maybe we can see some clue. T-bag is a good gauge of others, using his mental tension psychological emphasis fish flustered the sinister gang disputes in the prison, and then hold down his coerced fish to protect him. Although protagonist unbeaten law makes Michael don't eat him, but it is only a prisoner, leading one pile, absolute enough he drew. Of course, the psychological tactics sure just t-bag roping and control of the means of one, but no matter what other means must depend on is his own ability. In today's society, some just entered the young man, business, don't work hard, can only undependable yourself, no sound of a business or when the father. This time they should look t-bag is only on own strength to win a place? Of course, I do not mean to learn his intrigue, plant frame under etc, and only refers to rely on their own hands to create a spirit and purpose.








"Prison Break" Review


Michael Scofield  is a desperate man. His brother, Lincoln Burrows , a death row inmate confined to Fox River State Penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, is scheduled to die in a little over a month for the murder of the Vice President’s brother, Terrence Steadman  Michael has an elaborate plan to break Lincoln out of jail, and in the opening scene of the pilot, he is seen having the last of a series of tattoos applied to his body. Those tattoos are the blueprints for Fox River. In 1999, he was involved in a retrofitting job of the prison, and he still has all of the plans of the building with him. After doing all the extensive research, and adding those notes to his tattoos, he gets rid of all of the evidence.

The next day, he goes into the downtown Chicago branch of United Savings Bank and attempts to steal over a half million dollars. When he is arrested, he is put on trial for armed robbery. He pleads no contest to the judge (Cheryl Lynn Bruce), despite the objections of his lawyer and childhood friend Veronica Donovan (Robin Tunney.) The judge sentences him to five years, with parole in two and a half. Michael has requested to be sent to Fox River, which the judge grants. Veronica still doesn’t understand why Michael is doing this, because he isn’t violent and he doesn’t need the money. Also, he was the only positive influence for LJ (Marshall Allman), Lincoln’s son. LJ lives with his mother, Lisa Rix (Jessalyn Gilsig), and her husband Adrian (Philip Rayburn Smith.) He has been getting into trouble lately, having been busted for possession of marijuana, and Lisa doesn’t know what to do about it.

When Michael gets to Fox River, Captain Brad Bellick (Wade Williams) greets him, and tells him that he has nothing coming to him. Michael meets his new cellmate, Fernando Sucre (Amaury Nolasco.) Sucre is engaged to his girlfriend, Maricruz Delgado (Camille Guaty), though a friend of hers named Hector (Kurt Caceres) has been making a play for her. He just wants to do his time and get out so that he can get married.

Meanwhile, Veronica is still troubled by the case. She is engaged to an investment banker named Sebastian Balfour (Anthony Starke), though it appears that she still thinks about Lincoln, who used to be her boyfriend.

Back at Fox River, Sucre tells Michael about Charles Westmoreland (Muse Watson), whom everyone whispers is actually the infamous D.B. Cooper, who parachuted out of a plane thirty years ago with a million and a half in cash (he actually only got away with $200,000.) Charles has a cat named Marilyn who was grandfathered in before Fox River prohibited pet ownership.

Michael tells Sucre that Lincoln, or as the other inmates call him, “Linc the Sink” (because he’ll come at you with everything but the kitchen sink), is his brother. He wants to know how to get to Lincoln. Sucre tells him that the only way to do that is through “P.I.,” or Prison Industries (meaning the inmates who behave get to do work for the prison.) Former mob boss John Abruzzi (Peter Stormare) runs P.I., and he is the only one who can get Michael approved for it. Michael later asks Abruzzi if he can be hired for P.I., giving him a paper origami swan and telling him that he has something to offer the mob boss. Abruzzi scoffs at this new “fish” and throws away the swan. Michael does have something to offer Abruzzi though. Fibonacci is a mob informant whose testimony put Abruzzi behind bars, and he, along with mobsters Gavin Smallhouse (Gianni Russo), Philly Falzone (Al Sapienza), and Maggio (Rich Komenich), are very interested in finding the man, who is currently in witness protection. His testimony could land all of them in jail, and Falzone specifically threatens Abruzzi with harm to his kids if he doesn’t find Fibonacci.

Michael visits Dr. Sara Tancredi (Sarah Wayne Callies), the prison doctor. Sara is the daughter of Illinois Governor “Frontier Justice” Frank Tancredi, a fact that she doesn’t like to tell many people about, because she differs with her father in their political beliefs. Michael has to go the infirmary for his regular insulin shots, because he has Type I Diabetes.

In Washington D.C., Special Agent Paul Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) and Special Agent Danny Hale (Danny McCarthy) are trying to thwart the efforts of anyone who might free Lincoln. A man named Bishop McMorrow (Chelcie Ross) has a lot of influence with the Governor and may persuade him to grant a stay of execution. They decide to visit him and “persuade” him to back off by accusing him of tax fraud. McMorrow won’t be bullied, but later in the episode, he is shot and killed in his bed.

Back at Fox River, Warden Henry Pope (Stacy Keach) asks to see Michael. He knows that Michael is a structural engineer, so he offers him three days of work a week in Pope’s office helping him build a model of the Taj Mahal made out of toothpicks. It is for his wife for their fortieth wedding anniversary, but he can’t seem to get the proper reinforcements to keep it from collapsing, and that is where Michael comes in. Michael turns down the offer at first, but a few days later, he accepts the offer when the warden threatens to throw Michael in the SHU (solitary confinement) for ninety days for fighting. The reason he was fighting was that Abruzzi got a call from Maggio that they received a picture of Fibonacci and a folded up swan. He realizes that Michael does have information about Fibonacci, and he demands that the fish tell him where the informant is. Michael will tell Abruzzi the information, but not until they are both safe outside the walls of the prison. Abruzzi takes offense to this, and he has his goons beat Michael up (he later ends up supplying Michael with his P.I. work card though.)

Back in Veronica’s office, she finds out that McMorrow has been killed, and she realizes that Michael was right when he told her that Lincoln had been set up.

Michael needs PUGNAc, an insulin blocker, because he is only pretending to be diabetic so that he can spend more time in the infirmary getting things ready for his and Lincoln’s escape. He approaches a black inmate named C-Note (Rockmond Dunbar) about supplying him with some PUGNAc.

Michael then looks for a bolt on a specific set of bleachers out in the yard. He has the serial number for this specific bolt tattooed on his forearm, and he finds it, but before he can screw it out of the bleacher, Theodore Bagwell, a.k.a. T-Bag (Robert Knepper), stops him. He is the leader of the Alliance for Purity, a white supremacist gang, and he has his submissive partner May Tag (Brian Hamman) with him. T-Bag says that a race war is around the corner, and he offers his protection. Michael turns him down, which ticks T-Bag off, forcing Michael to leave the bolt half-unscrewed.

Veronica finds Tim Giles (Keith Diamond), Lincoln’s public defender, and asks him about a man named Crab Simmons (Tab Baker), who could have cleared Lincoln’s name. Crab is a five-time felon, so it would be a waste of time. The next day, Tim visits Veronica in her office and gives her a surveillance video of the parking garage where Lincoln had allegedly killed Terrence Steadman. It was meant to be a form of closure for her. She watches it, and then she visits Lincoln in jail to ask him about it. He tells her that he never fired his gun, and that she should do some more research.

Michael goes back to finish unscrewing the bolt, but T-Bag and May Tag catch him again. T-Bag makes Michael hand over the bolt, who gives it to May Tag. Michael later goes to Abruzzi to ask him about shaking down an inmate, which he tells him he will do, as soon as Michael tells him where to find Fibonacci. Michael further frustrates Abruzzi by telling him that he will do that once they escape.

Bellick does a search of Michael and Sucre’s cell (Sucre is in the SHU for having a shank during a previous shakedown) and finds the serial numbers for the bolt (he doesn’t know what those numbers mean though yet.) The numbers are accompanied by a name: “Allen Schweitzer.” He has a fellow C.O. look up the name, but he comes up with nothing.

Michael searches for the bolt in May Tag’s bunk, when he is caught by T-Bag and May Tag again (they are everywhere…aren’t they?) He tells them that he wants T-Bag’s protection, and that he needs the bolt to protect himself. C-Note sees this and gets mad. He later shows Michael the bottle of PUGNAc, but tells him that he chose the wrong side of the race war, causing Michael to leave empty-handed.

Veronica finds Crab’s residence and runs into Crab’s mother, who tells her that Crab is dead. Back in her office, Veronica gets a call from Leticia Barris (Adina Porter), Crab Simmons’ ex-girlfriend. She meets with Leticia, who tells her that she believes that the same people who killed Crab are trying to kill Lincoln. Veronica thought that Crab had O.D.’d, but Leticia said that Crab had a bad heart and would never touch drugs. He conveniently died a week after Lincoln had killed Steadman.

Hale and Kellerman had already questioned Tim about his visit to Veronica, and now they have witnessed her meeting with Leticia. Kellerman calls a mysterious woman, who instructs him to “do what you need to do to make this go away.”

During a prison riot, another inmate fatally stabs May Tag, but Michael is able to get the bolt away from him. T-Bag assumes that Michael had done the stabbing, and he vows revenge. Michael sharpens the point of the bolt to become an Allen wrench, which is the perfect size to fit into a bolt underneath a toilet (we later see in the coming attractions that behind the toilet is a tunnel, which I assume is the escape route.)

C-Note gives Michael back his PUGNAc, because he realizes that Michael wasn’t in cahoots with the Aryan Nation. Michael takes the medicine, and Sara later administers her test. She confirms that he does have diabetes, but she is a little confused as to why he is so happy about it (Michael has a horrible poker face.)

On the way out of the infirmary, Abruzzi and his thugs grab Michael and force him to give up the location of Fibonacci by putting one of his pinkie toes into the path of some pruning shears. He refuses, and the episode ends with one of the thugs cutting off the pinkie toe.

The director of the Rush Hour movies, Brett Ratner, executive produces and directed the first hour of this show. Paul Scheuring, the writer of the 2003 Vin Diesel movie A Man Apart, created this series and wrote its first two episodes. They have constructed a show that is a little bit far-fetched, but interesting. The fact that Michael conveniently goes to the same prison as Lincoln, and that Sara is only mildly inquisitive to Michael’s diabetes problem is a little hard to believe. Also…when are they going to explain why Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows have two different last names? Are they half brothers?

The acting is great though. It’s amazing how alike Miller and Purcell look. Maybe it’s the buzz cuts, but I could actually believe that they were real brothers. Stormare always makes a great bad guy in movies, so he is giving us another good one on the small screen. Knepper plays a very creepy bad guy, and he is very effective at it too. The two love interests are good, but they don’t have a lot of time to establish their romances with their respective men yet. Callies is obviously going to fall for Miller, and I seriously doubt that Tunney will be seeing a wedding in the end with her fiancé.

“Prison Break” reminds me of ABC’s “Lost,” in which I like the concept, but I can’t see it going beyond a season. “Lost” proved that it could provide an ongoing plotline that will last its inaugural season, so I’ll have to have faith that this one will do it as well. This show had so many questions yet unanswered in the first two episodes, and the durability of it might be one of those questions. Welcome to the fall season!



