【英语学习】【WOTD】cumulate 释义/词源/示例

(79) 2024-05-17 15:01:01

cumulate v. [KYOO-myuh-layt]


1: to gather or pile in a heap

2: to combine into one

3: to build up by addition of new material

Did You Know?

Cumulate and its far more common relative accumulate both come from the Latin word cumulare, meaning "to heap up." cumulare, in turn, comes from cumulus, meaning "mass."(Cumulus functions as an English word in its own right as well. It can mean "heap" or "accumulation," or it can refer to a kind of dense puffy cloud with a flat base and rounded outlines.) Cumulate and accumulate overlap in meaning, but you're likely to find cumulate mostly in technical contexts. The word's related adjective, cumulative, however, is used more widely. 

词源演变:cumulus->cumulare->cumulate/cumulative (accumulate/accumulation)

Cumulate以及更加常见与之关联的单词accumulate都来自于拉丁动词cumulare,意思是“堆积起来”。cumulare,又来自于拉丁名词cumulus,意思是“团” (cumulus在英语中也是一个独立的单词,意思是“堆”或“累积”;在气象学中是指一种致密的,肥满的平底圆身云,被称为积云)。cumulateaccumulate在意思上重叠,但是cumulate更可能出现在技术文章中。这个单词的形容词形式是cumulative,可能用的还更广泛一些。

注:far more common: 更加常见  dense:致密的 puffy:浮肿的,膨胀的,肥满的 base:底 outline:轮廓 
cumulus: 积云

【英语学习】【WOTD】cumulate 释义/词源/示例 (https://mushiming.com/)  第1张


  • "In the alternative, the company may provide greater input to minority shareholders by allowing shareholders to cumulate their votes and cast them all for one director."
    --- Gregory Monday, The Milwaukee Business Journal, 5 Mar. 2018


    注:alternative n. 替代 vote:选票 cast:投票 cast votes for sb.:把选票投给某人 shareholder:股东

  • “The report ... compares various income estimates and reaches a similar conclusion: Most Americans have realized small annual increases that ultimately cumulated into meaningful gains."
    -- Robert Samuelson, The Sun Journal (Lewiston, Maine), 12 Dec. 2018


    注:reach a conclusion: 得出结论 annual increase:年增长 ultimately:最终 meaningful gain:有意义的/有价值的收益

