
(50) 2024-07-26 13:01:01

国际航空运输协会:国际航空运输协会 (IATA: International Air Transport Association)

IATA is an abbreviation of the International Air Transport Association. It is a trade private group of the world’s airlines that supports and encourages mutual aid among the world's listed airlines to make sure protected, secure, consistent, trustworthy and economical air services, in other words, it provides consulting facilities to the industry of airlines.

IATA是国际航空运输协会的缩写 。 它是世界航空公司的贸易私人组织,支持并鼓励世界上列出的航空公司之间的互助,以确保提供受保护的,安全的,一致的,可信赖的和经济的航空服务,换句话说,它为航空业提供咨询服务。

The number of airlines that are associated with the International Air Transport Association is around 290, which is just about roughly 82% of the overall available seat miles air traffic. The services or facilities offered by IATA comprise fleet and sales planning, cargo security, capacity management, airport operations management, aviation security, airspace planning, etc. Also, it provides profits management and costing, accounting, billing, financing, and currency approval and authorization services.

国际航空运输协会有关联的航空公司数量约为290,大约仅占全部可用座位英里空中交通量的82%。 国际航空运输协会提供的服务或设施包括机队和销售计划,货物安全,容量管理,机场运营管理,航空安全,空域计划等。此外,它还提供利润管理和成本核算,会计,计费,融资,货币批准和授权服务。

国际航协的完整形式是什么样的_国际航协 (https://mushiming.com/)  第1张

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Air_Transport_Association


国际航空运输协会总部 (IATA Head Office)

Its head office is situated in Montreal, Canada. It has its administrative and supervisory offices in Geneva Switzerland.

其总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔。 它在瑞士日内瓦设有行政和监督办公室。

国际航协的历史 (IATA History)

  • In April 1945, IATA has created in Havana Cuba. At The Hague in 1919, the International Air Traffic Association was created which afterward in 1945 replaced by International Air Transport Association.

    1945年4月, 国际航空运输协会在古巴哈瓦那成立。 1919年在海牙成立了国际航空运输协会 ,此后于1945年由国际航空运输协会取代。

  • In the beginning, IATA has 57 airlines from 31 countries but at present, there are nearly about 290 airlines that are allied with it from 117 countries.

    最初, IATA拥有来自31个国家/地区的57家航空公司,但目前有来自117个国家/地区的近290家航空公司与之合作。

  • "The World Aviation Cartel" was the label through which IATA has been known.


  • IATA has the benefit of protection from antitrust law in quite a lot of nations.

    在许多国家, IATA受益于反托拉斯法的保护。

    In 1947, the first Traffic Conference was held in Rio de Janeiro and arrived at a common agreement on several 400 resolutions.


国际航空运输协会的目标 (Objective of IATA)

The three most significant objective of IATA which is given in the following points are,


  • Safety: Safety is a major concern of IATA. It offers a safety tool called IATA Operation Safety Audit (IOSA). It is also permitted and authorized at the state level by quite a lot of countries. Aviation placed its safest year ever in 2017, by going beyond the prior record set in 2012. In 2014, IATA established a particular section of the board to track aircraft in flight in real-time.

    安全:安全是国际航空运输协会的主要关切。 它提供了一种称为IATA操作安全审核(IOSA)的安全工具。 许多国家还在州一级批准和授权该证书。 航空超越了2012年创下的纪录,在2017年创下有史以来最安全的一年。2014年,国际航协设立了董事会的特定部分,以实时跟踪飞行中的飞机。

  • Security: After the calamity of 9/11, security is an extremely significant subject matter. Consequently, IATA follows a set of policies and regulations to make sure a secure environment.

    安全性:在9/11灾难之后,安全性是极为重要的主题。 因此,IATA遵循一系列政策和法规以确保安全的环境。

  • Simplifying the Business: In 2004, this agenda was introduced by IATA. This scheme was launched to assist and make ease for the passengers, comprising electronic tickets, barcoded boarding pass, fast travel initiative, and many other things.

    简化业务: IATA在2004年提出了这一议程。 推出该计划是为了帮助乘客并使其轻松,包括电子票,带条形码的登机牌,快速出行倡议以及许多其他事情。

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/iata-full-form.aspx

