1. 写一个函数,输入 n, 求斐波那契(Fibonacci)数列的第 n 项。斐波那契数列的定义如下:
2. 一只青蛙一次可以跳上 1 级台阶,也可以跳上 2 级。求该青蛙跳上一个n级的台阶总共有多少种跳法?
3. 一只青蛙一次可以跳上 1 级台阶,也可以跳上 2 级,...... ,也可以跳上n级,此时该青蛙跳上一个 n 级的台阶共有多少种跳法?
4. 用 2x1 (左边)的小矩形横着或者竖着去覆盖更大的矩形。请问用 8 个 2x1 小矩形无重叠地覆盖一个 2x8 的大矩形(右边),总共有多少种方法
本博客提及到 4 个题目:题目 1 直接给出斐波那契数列的定义,可采用多种算法实现,这些算法思想将在 “算法设计思想“ 部分介绍;题目 2 和题目 4 的本质上解决的还是斐波那契数列第 n 项的计算问题,即题目 1;题目 3 可以说是数学问题,只要意识到其计算的实质上是 2 的 n 次幂即可,剩下的工作采用程序就很容易实现了。
下面具体说如何理解题目 2、题目 3 和 题目4:
当 n = 1或 n = 2 时, 显然成立;
令 n = k 时, f(k) = 成立,当 n = k+1 时,f(k+1) = f(k) + f(k-1) + f(k-2) + ... + f(1) + 1. 在增加 1 级台阶后,可以理解为,设青蛙在跳上最后一级台阶(新增加的台阶)时,所跳上的台阶数为 x,若 x = 1,则此时可采跳法是 f(k) 种跳法;若 x = 2,则此时可采取的跳法为 f(k-1); 如此下去,一直到 x = k-1 时,则此时可采取的跳法为 f(1);除此之外,还需要加上一种 x = k+1 可能,即只需一次直接跳上 k+1 级台阶。又因为
1. 递归方法(Recursive Method)。循环调用自身。缺点:有大量的重复计算,不实用。优点:实现非常简单,代码短小。对于斐波那契数列的实现,其时间复杂度为 O()。
2. 迭代方法 (Iterative Method)。通过循环,替代递归方法,从理论上说,任何递归算法都可用迭代算法实现。优点:节省栈空间,有可能降低时间复杂度。缺点是相对于递归方法,实现较难,代码往往会复杂一些。对斐波那契数列,其时间复杂度为 O(n),是比较实用的算法。
3. 公式法。通过不常用的计算斐波那契数列的第 n 项的数学公式,如果采用合适的实现方式,可将时间复杂度降为 O(logn),具体数学公式和相关说明如下(摘自参考资料):
#include <iostream>
// Method 1: recursive method and its time complexity is O(2^n).
int fibonacciRecursively(int n)
int result;
if (n <= 0)
result = 0;
else if (n == 1)
result = 1;
result = fibonacciRecursively(n - 1) + fibonacciRecursively(n - 2);
return result;
// Method 2: iterative method and its time complexity is O(n).
int fibonacciIteratively(int n)
int result = 0;
int nextItem = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
int tmp = nextItem;
nextItem += result;
result = tmp;
return result;
// Method 3: by means of the specified matrix power
long int* matrixPower(long int *mat, int n); // compute the power of the matrix
int fibonacciMatrixPower(int n)
long int matrix[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0 };
int result = 0;
if (n <= 0)
result = 0;
matrixPower(matrix, n - 1);
result = matrix[0];
return result;
// 2 x 2 matrix power, n >= 0
long int* matrixPower(long int *mat, int n)
const int rows = 2;
const int cols = 2;
if (n <= 0)
return NULL;
else if (0 == n)
// identity matrix when the power of a matrix is 0.
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; i < cols; ++j)
if (i == j)
*(mat + i * cols + j) = 1;
*(mat + i * cols + j) = 0;
else if (1 == n)
else if (2 == n)
// Create two temporary arrays for matrix multiplication
long int tmpMat1[4], tmpMat2[4];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
tmpMat1[i*cols + j] = *(mat + i * cols + j);
tmpMat2[i*cols + j] = *(mat + i * cols + j);
// matrix multiplication
*(mat + 0 * cols + 0) = tmpMat1[0 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 0] + tmpMat1[0 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 0]; // matrix{0,0}
*(mat + 0 * cols + 1) = tmpMat1[0 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 1] + tmpMat1[0 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 1]; // matrix{0,1}
*(mat + 1 * cols + 0) = tmpMat1[1 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 0] + tmpMat1[1 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 0]; // matrix{1,0}
*(mat + 1 * cols + 1) = tmpMat1[1 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 1] + tmpMat1[1 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 1]; // matrix{1,1}
else if (n % 2 == 0) // when n is even and n is greater than 2
matrixPower(mat, n / 2);
matrixPower(mat, 2);
else // n is odd and n is greater than 2
long int tmpMat1[4];
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
tmpMat1[k] = *(mat + k);
// Compute matrix power in even case
matrixPower(mat, n - 1);
// Temporarily save the matrix
long int tmpMat2[4];
for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
tmpMat2[k] = *(mat + k);
// matrix multiplication with additional element.
*(mat + 0 * cols + 0) = tmpMat1[0 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 0] + tmpMat1[0 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 0];
*(mat + 0 * cols + 1) = tmpMat1[0 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 1] + tmpMat1[0 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 1];
*(mat + 1 * cols + 0) = tmpMat1[1 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 0] + tmpMat1[1 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 0];
*(mat + 1 * cols + 1) = tmpMat1[1 * cols + 0] * tmpMat2[0 * cols + 1] + tmpMat1[1 * cols + 1] * tmpMat2[1 * cols + 1];
return mat;
void unitest()
int n = 5;
std::cout << "The " << n << "-th item in the fibonacci sequence: \n"
<< " Recursive method result: " << fibonacciRecursively(n) << std::endl
<< " Iterative method result: " << fibonacciIteratively(n) << std::endl
<< " Matrix power method result: " << fibonacciMatrixPower(n) << std::endl
int main()
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# Method 1: recursive method
def fib_recursively(n):
result = 0
if n >= 1:
if 1 == n:
result = 1
result = fib_recursively(n-1) + fib_recursively(n-2)
return result
# Method 2: iterative method
def fib_iteratively(n):
result, next_item = 0, 1
i = 1
while i <= n:
result, next_item = next_item, result + next_item
i += 1
return result
# Method 3: matrix power
def fib_matrix_power(n):
matrix = [1, 1, 1, 0]
result = 0
if n > 0:
matrix_power(matrix, n-1)
result = matrix[0]
return result
# 2 x 2 matrix power
def matrix_power(mat, n):
rows, cols = 2, 2 # 2 x 2 matrix
if n <= 0:
return None
elif 0 == n:
mat[:] = [1, 0, 0, 1] # identity matrix
elif 1 == n:
elif 2 == n:
tmp_mat1, tmp_mat2 = [], []
# matrix multiplication
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
mat[i*cols+j] = inner_product(tmp_mat1[i::cols], tmp_mat2[j::cols])
elif n % 2 == 0: # even case
matrix_power(mat, n/2)
matrix_power(mat, 2)
# temporarily save mat
tmp_mat1 = []
# recursive call
matrix_power(mat, n-1)
# multiply with former temporary value
tmp_mat2 = []
for i in range(rows):
for j in range(cols):
mat[i*cols+j] = inner_product(tmp_mat1[i::cols], tmp_mat2[j::cols])
return mat
def inner_product(vec1, vec2):
product = 0
if (vec1 and vec2 and len(vec1) == len(vec2)):
for i in range(len(vec1)):
product += vec1[i] * vec2[i]
return product
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = 5
print("The %d-th item in the fibonacci sequence:" % n)
print(" Recursive method result: %d" % fib_recursively(n))
print(" Iterative method result: %d" % fib_iteratively(n))
print(" Matrix power method result: %d" % fib_matrix_power(n))
int fibonacci(int n)
int num1 = 1, num2 = 1, num3 = 0, i = 0;
if (n == 0)
return num3;
if (n == 1)
return num1;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
num3 = num1 + num2;
num1 = num2;
num2 = num3;
return num3;
int main()
int n = 0, num= 0;
scanf("%d", &n);
num = fibonacci(n);
printf("总共有%d种跳法!\n", num);