Two types of simple circuits:a circuit comprising a resistor and capactior and a circuit comprising a resistor and an inductor.
These are called RC and RL circuits,respectively.
Resistive circuits
Before switching k,circuit has reached steady state:
i = 0 , u c = 0 i=0,u_c=0 i=0,uc=0
Since k has been closed for a long time,the capacitor voltage has reached steady state again:
i = 0 , u c = U s i=0,u_c=U_s i=0,uc=Us
过渡过程产生原因:电路内部含有储能元件 ,电路在换时能量 电路在换时能量 电路在换时能量 发生变化,而能量的储存和释放都需要时间
应 用 K V L : R i + u c = u s 电 容 V C R : i = C d u c d t R C d u c d t + u c = u s 一 阶 微 分 方 程 也 即 一 阶 电 路 方 程 的 阶 数 通 常 等 于 电 路 中 动 态 元 件 的 个 数 应用KVL:Ri+u_c=u_s\\ 电容VCR:i=C\frac{du_c}{dt}\\ RC\frac{du_c}{dt}+u_c=u_s\\ 一阶微分方程也即一阶电路\\ 方程的阶数通常等于电路中动态元件的个数 应用KVL:Ri+uc=us电容VCR:i=CdtducRCdtduc+uc=us一阶微分方程也即一阶电路方程的阶数通常等于电路中动态元件的个数
R ( C 1 + C 2 ) d u c d t + u c = u s R(C_1+C_2)\frac{du_c}{dt}+u_c=u_s R(C1+C2)dtduc+uc=us
Before switching k,circuit has reached steady state:
i = 0 , u L = 0 i=0,u_L=0 i=0,uL=0
Since k has been closed for a long time,the capacitor voltage has reached steady state again
u L = 0 , i = U s R u_L=0,i=\frac{U_s}{R} uL=0,i=RUs
Applying Kirchhoff’s laws to purely resistive circuits results in algebraic equations
While applying Kirchhoff’s laws to RC and RL circuits produces differential equations(微分方程)
The differential equations resulting from analyzing RC and RL circuits are of the first order.Hence.the circuits are collectively known as first-order circuits.
A first-order circuit is characterized by a first-order differential equation.
RC circuits
Applying KVL:
R i + u c = u s ( t ) Ri+u_c=u_s(t) Ri+uc=us(t)
By definition(定义)(VCR):
i = C d u c d t → R C d u c d t + u c = u s ( t ) → R d i d t + i C = d u s ( t ) d t i=C\frac{du_c}{dt}\\ ~\\ →RC\frac{du_c}{dt}+u_c=u_s(t)\\ ~\\ →R\frac{di}{dt}+\frac{i}{C}=\frac{du_s(t)}{dt} i=Cdtduc →RCdtduc+uc=us(t) →Rdtdi+Ci=dtdus(t)
RL circuits
Applying KVL:
R i + u L = u s ( t ) Ri+u_L=u_s(t) Ri+uL=us(t)
By definition(定义)(VCR):
u L = L d i d t → R i + L d i d t = u s ( t ) → R L u l + d u L d t = d u s ( t ) d t u_L=L\frac{di}{dt}\\ ~\\ →Ri+L\frac{di}{dt}=u_s(t)\\ ~\\ →\frac{R}{L}u_l+\frac{du_L}{dt}=\frac{du_s(t)}{dt} uL=Ldtdi →Ri+Ldtdi=us(t)