
(133) 2024-05-27 10:01:01


1. HIS系统简介:

  HIS (Hospital Information System)是医院信息系统的简称,是医院管理和医疗活动中进行信息管理和联机操作的计算机应用系统的简称。HIS是覆盖医院所有业务和业务全过程的信息管理系统。


医院信息系统全称_医院系统HIS (https://mushiming.com/)  第1张


1.1 HMIS 医院管理信息系统

  HMIS(Hospital Management Information System, 医院管理信息系统),主要目标是支持医院的行政管理与事务处理业务,减轻事务处理人员劳动强度,辅助医院管理,辅助高层领导决策,提高医院工作效率,从而使医院能够以少的投入获得更好的社会效益与经济效益,像财务管理系统、人事管理系统、住院病人管理系统、药品药库管理系统等均属于HMIS的范围。

1.2 CIS 临床信息系统

  CIS(Clinical Information System, 临床信息系统)的主要目标是支持医院医护人员的临床活动,收集和处理病人的临床医疗信息,丰富和积累临床医学知识,并提供临床咨询、辅助诊疗、辅助临床决策,提高医护人员工作效率和诊疗质量,为病人提供更多、更快、更好的服务,像医嘱处理系统、病人床边系统、重症监护系统、移动输液系统、合理用药监控系统、医生工作站系统、实验室检验信息系统、药物咨询系统等均属于CIS范围。

1.3 PACS 医学影像存储和传输系统

  PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication System,影像归档和通信系统)。

  它是应用在医院影像科室的系统,主要的任务就是把日常产生的各种医学影像(包括核磁MR, CT, 超声US, 各种X光机,各种红外仪,显微仪等设备产生的图像)通过各种接口(模拟,DICOM, 网络)以数字化的方式海量保存起来,当需要的时候在一定的授权下能够很快的调回使用,同时增加一些辅助诊断管理功能。



A picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is a medical imaging technology which provides economical storage and convenient access to images from multiple modalities (source machine types).

Electronic images and reports are transmitted digitally via PACS; this eliminates the need to manually file, retrieve, or transport film jackets. The universal format for PACS image storage and transfer is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine). Non-image data, such as scanned documents, may be incorporated using consumer industry standard formats like PDF (Portable Document Format), once encapsulated(压缩,封进内部) in DICOM.

A PACS consists of four major components:

  • The imaging modalities such as X-ray plain film (PF), computed
    tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • A secured network for the transmission of patient information;
  • Workstations for interpreting and reviewing images;
  • Archives for the storage and retrieval of images and reports.

Combined with available and emerging(新兴的,新出现的) web technology, PACS has the ability to deliver timely and efficient access to images, interpretations, and related data. PACS breaks down the physical and time barriers associated with traditional fime-based image retrieval, distribution, and display.(PACS打破了传统的基于胶片的图像检索,分发和显示导致的在空间和时间上的壁垒。)
(—— From Wikipedia.)

1.4 RIS 放射科信息系统

  RIS(Radiology Information System, 放射科信息系统)。



A radiology information system (RIS) is the core system for the electronic management of imaging departments.

The major functions of the RIS can include patient scheduling, resource management, examination performance tracking, examination interpretation, results distribution, and precedure billing.

RIS complements HIS (Hospital information systems) and PACS (picture archiving and communication system), and is critical to efficient workflow to radiology practices.
(—— From Wikipedia.)

1.5 LIS 实验室信息系统

  LIS(Laboratory Information System, 实验室信息系统)。


  1. HIS系统哪家强,请来100强医院看看
  2. H3Ci数字医疗论坛:HIS系统专栏
  3. HIS模块的总结


