
(17) 2024-09-15 14:01:01


HT32F5232学习笔记之四 (  第1张


#include "ht32_cm0plus_misc.h" void Systick_Delay_ms(u32 ms) { u32 i; /* SYSTICK configuration */ SYSTICK_ClockSourceConfig(SYSTICK_SRC_STCLK); // 即默认选择了外部参考时钟HSI(8MHz/8) SYSTICK_SetReloadValue(SystemCoreClock / 8 / 1000); // (CK_SYS/8/1000) = 1ms SYSTICK_IntConfig(DISABLE); // 不开启中断 /* 打开SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_CLEAR); SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_ENABLE); for( i = 0;i < ms;i++ ) { while( !( (SysTick->CTRL) & (1<<16) ) ); } /* 关闭SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_DISABLE); /* 复位SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_CLEAR); } void Systick_Delay_us(u32 us) { u32 i; /* SYSTICK configuration */ SYSTICK_ClockSourceConfig(SYSTICK_SRC_STCLK); // 即默认选择了外部参考时钟HSI(8MHz/8) SYSTICK_SetReloadValue(SystemCoreClock / 8 / ); // (CK_SYS/8/) = 1us SYSTICK_IntConfig(DISABLE); // 不开启中断 /* 打开SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_CLEAR); SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_ENABLE); for( i = 0;i < us;i++ ) { while( !( (SysTick->CTRL) & (1<<16) ) ); } /* 关闭SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_DISABLE); /* 复位SysTick计数器 */ SYSTICK_CounterCmd(SYSTICK_COUNTER_CLEAR); } 



/*********************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Configure the SysTick clock source. * @param SysTick_ClockSource: Specify the SysTick clock source. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SYSTICK_SRC_STCLK : External reference clock is selected as SysTick clock source. * @arg SYSTICK_SRC_FCLK : AHB clock is selected as SysTick clock source. * @retval None ***********************************************************************************************************/ void SYSTICK_ClockSourceConfig(u32 SysTick_ClockSource)


/*********************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Set SysTick counter reload value. * @param SysTick_Reload: SysTick reload new value. * This parameter must be a number between 1 and 0xFFFFFF. * @retval None ***********************************************************************************************************/ void SYSTICK_SetReloadValue(u32 SysTick_Reload)


/*********************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Enable or Disable the SysTick Interrupt. * @param NewState: new state of the SysTick Interrupt. * This parameter can be: ENABLE or DISABLE. * @retval None ***********************************************************************************************************/ void SYSTICK_IntConfig(ControlStatus NewState)


/*********************************************************************************************************//** * @brief Enable or Disable the SysTick counter. * @param SysTick_Counter: new state of the SysTick counter. * This parameter can be one of the following values: * @arg SYSTICK_COUNTER_DISABLE : Disable counter * @arg SYSTICK_COUNTER_ENABLE : Enable counter * @arg SYSTICK_COUNTER_CLEAR : Clear counter value to 0 * @retval None ***********************************************************************************************************/ void SYSTICK_CounterCmd(u32 SysTick_Counter)


typedef struct { __IO uint32_t CTRL; /*!< Offset: 0x000 (R/W) SysTick Control and Status Register */ __IO uint32_t LOAD; /*!< Offset: 0x004 (R/W) SysTick Reload Value Register */ __IO uint32_t VAL; /*!< Offset: 0x008 (R/W) SysTick Current Value Register */ __I uint32_t CALIB; /*!< Offset: 0x00C (R/ ) SysTick Calibration Register */ } SysTick_Type;

在此说明下相关寄存器的配置。相关的库函数都是配置了SysTick控制及状态寄存器(SysTick Control and Status Register)、SysTick重装载数值寄存器(SysTick Reload Value Register)、SysTick当前函数值寄存器( SysTick Current Value Register

HT32F5232学习笔记之四 (  第2张

HT32F5232学习笔记之四 (  第3张

HT32F5232学习笔记之四 (  第4张


HT32F5232学习笔记之四 (  第5张



